KROCCITYONTV ENT.: Rexx moves up with Sistahs

OAP Rexx (Rex Jideo­for Okichie) is back on the block with a bang following the release of his latest single entitled Sistahs.

In a chat with Entertain­er, the OAP who found relative success with the release of Pincode in 2008 said: “I have released a lot of songs but more recently, Original, featuring Brymo and Boku. But the latest is Sistah, featuring Orezi and Solidstar. Sistah is a dance song for everyone and it holds a key message for Sistahs. It’s basically my way of saying I have loads of respect for the women folk because they put in a lot of work in the society. There is a video for Original already and I am shooting one for Sistah pretty soon.”

Born on June 9, 1985, Rexx hails from Anambra State. He is a singer and songwriter. His influences include ar­tistes like Bob Marley, R. Kelly, Usher, Tuface and Craig David and 80’s high life stars Peacock Band, Nico Nbarga, Oliver DeCoque and Rex Lawson.

“My music taste accommodates a lot of soulful creative expressions that ap­peal to the heart. My style is christened urban African high life with heavy R&B influences strung together with an infectious pop appeal and catchy Nigerian lyrics,” Rexx said, describing his sound.

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