KROCCITYONTV NEWS: Hillary Clinton: Funded by Jews

JEWS MAKE up only a little over two percent of the US population, but totally dominate the roll of contributors to both Democratic and Republican political candidates. This ensures they will have effective control of US policies regardless of which side wins an election.

All of the largest donors to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign are Jews — Jews who are eager supporters of Jewish activist organizations as well as of the terrorist state of Israel and the anti-White agenda in (formerly) White nations worldwide.

All of these seven Jews push for open borders in White nations, which will destroy these nations’ racial and cultural heritage — while simultaneously supporting a race-based Jewish state in Israel in order to secure and preserve the Jewish people.

Just as the Jewish New York Times writer David Brooks boastfully proclaimed, the United States seems to have suffered a “Jewish takeover.” But it looks just as bad among the Republican candidates, if not worse.


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